About Us

Cetana is a biannual journal published by the Centre for Phenomenological Studies.

It is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO), provides learning space and research facility for phenomenological studies in India. It facilitates exchange of ideas at interdisciplinary and intrainstitutional level by maintaining national as well as international collaborations and partnerships. The Centre is a home for researchers pursuing individual research projects or collaborative work in the domain of phenomenology.

In addition to philosophy, the Centre engages in dialogue with phenomenologists in other cultural disciplines of anthropology, architecture, communicology, ecology, ethnic studies, gender studies, geography, history, literature, nursing, political science, psychiatry, psychology, religious studies, sociology, etc. The Centre also encourages research into methodological and foundational questions in these disciplinary areas.


Centre aims to promote interest in and understanding of phenomenology as a philosophical movement as well as a method for doing philosophy. To achieve this goal, the Centre’s primary motives are to:

  • Build and nurture the Centre in collaboration with other academic institutions for research and knowledge transfer.
  • Encourage and facilitate study and research in different branches of phenomenology.
  • Promote new trends of interdisciplinary research concerning human and natural sciences, cultural and social studies, suited to the pluralistic context of India.
  • Encourage research into methodologies, which suit the study of contemporary issues and problems, having phenomenological content and intend.
  • Carry out workshops, symposia, seminars, lectures, classes, meetings, and conferences in phenomenology and its allied branches.

In order to inculcate an awareness of phenomenological philosophy and phenomenological method, from 2001 to the present, Centre organized a series of summer schools, textual study programmes, conferences and workshops on phenomenology, with support from Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi; Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla; Centre for Advanced Research in Phenomenology (CARP), Florida Atlantic University, USA and similar organizations and academic institutions. These programmes brought a very large number of students, faculty members, research scholars from various colleges and universities in India to gain an in-depth knowledge of phenomenology. Scholars both from India and abroad were invited as resource persons in these programmes.